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Enseigne Exeqtivz


[Exeqtivz] is the phonetic transcription of "Executives".

Exeqtivz Sàrl integrates into the heart of your company to bring you the experience, the expertise, the energy you need for the duration you need.

We are talking here about an operational action in your company, Exeqtivz is a real ally who by your side will analyze your needs, offer you solutions and then implement  with you in areas such as management, IT, logistics, eCommerce, CRM, PIM/DAM, BI or human resources.

On the strength of important, recent successes, which make us proud, we also bring you a panel of independent experts, "approved" partner companies with which we have completed one or more of these projects.

Our services

Carnet avec logo Exeqtivz

Some examples of achievements


Conforama Switzerland SA

co-CEO, CIO, CLO, Project Director


PowerLog AG

CEO, Project Director

Conforama group carve-out, an project called "Transforama" which will lead to the complete replacement of the company's information system in record time (18 months).


Takeover and transformation of the former Yendi logistics hall in Bulle with installation of a WMS including the control of Stöcklin automatons. Structuring, training and recruitment of a logistics team for this 12,000 m2 warehouse. Establishment of open customs warehouse (EDO).



Mobee Technology SA


Design of a range of unique Apple accessory products, monitoring of manufacturing in China, ERP implementation, eCommerce site, sale of the range in Apple stores in the USA, Canada, South America, Europe, Japan and Australia.

(Cali Lewis -


PowerData SA



Qatar Industrial Development Bank

Project Director

Structuring of the company's information system, implementation of processes, acquisition/merger of companies, creation of brands, organization of events with European retailers

Development of a robot jockey to replace young child jockeys during camel races.

(Wired - Robots of Arabia)

They trust us


Bertrand Galley

Product-Live Founder

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“When Alexandre asked us to jump onboard Conforama Suisse IT full transformation, ERP, PIM, WMS, POS all in a 18 months time frame my first thought was that it would require a one of a kind leader to suceed. Alexandre led it to a collective success!This is the result of a combination of pragmatism, thorough understanding of IT architecture, challenging demand toward external and internal teams and abilty to handle day to day obstacles. I m looking forward to takle other projects with Alexandre!"

Company values

Personal convictions but also the ingredients tested and proven during years of experience in change management in business.

Illustration "Le travail"


Success in a project or in the management of a team is precisely orchestrated, obtained by the fruit of one's hard work with the support of creativity and agility for the resolution of obstacles.

The final tool of this work is the "hard-line approach", or how to take note of each detail, leave nothing out in order to address each of these details according to an order of priority.

Illustration "Exemplarité"


Setting an example is imposing on yourself what is expected of your own teams. Response time to emails, involvement in the daily life of the company, positivity in exchanges, respect of deadlines, ethics...


The management model is also essential:  promote the achievements of its teams by helping them to overcome their weaknesses, making their success in the company a priority even before its own success.

Illustration "Humain"

The Human

Taking into account the human dimension in any change in business is a key and often underestimated element.

Saying that we are going to do and doing what we said, listening to everyone's opinions and concerns and you suddenly have a whole team carrying the project by your side.


Who am I ?

Before a potential first email, phone call or appointment, give me the opportunity to introduce myself in a few words and give you access to my Linkedin profile which traces all of my experiences.

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